Seven Diamonds/Thirteen Diamonds

Seven Diamonds

found in various countries

1. Do Opening A.

2. Thumbs move into index-finger loops from above and pick up near little-finger strings.

3. Release little fingers.

4. Little fingers move over index-finger loops and pick up both far thumb strings.

5. Index fingers move into their loops over the palm strings.

6. Release thumbs, and the palm strings are hooked on the bent index fingers.Index loops drop naturally.

7. Thumbs move into the loops hooked on the index fingers from below and release index fingers.

 Seven Diamonds

References: j1, j9, w1 (

Thirteen diamonds

As in the case of Apache Door, you can increase the number of meshes by using the following technique. A long loop is required.

1. Do Opening A.

2. Give a 360-degree twist away from you to thumb loops, a 360-degree twist toward you to little-finger loops
   and a 180-degree twist toward you to index-finger loops.

3. Do Steps 2-7 of Seven Diamonds.

 Thirteen Diamonds

References: w1(
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