The Moon Between the Mountains

1. Hang the loop on the left index finger and wrap the far string around the left index finger one turn.

2. The right index-finger moves into left index-finger loops from near-below and shares the loops.

3. Give a 180-degree twist to the long loop hanging down from index fingers, then insert thumbs into the loop from the near side
  and pick up the crossing strings.


4. Middle, ring and little fingers move into index-finger loops from below, and hold near index-finger strings and far thumb strings.


5. Index fingers hook up near thumb strings from the near side. Index-finger loops drop naturally.

6. Release thumbs.

7. Thumbs move over the transverse near middle-finger string
   and pick up other near middle-finger strings running to the central intersection.

8. Release middle, ring and little fingers softly.

9. Middle, ring and little fingers move into index-finger loops from below and hold near index-finger strings and far thumb strings.


10. Index fingers hook up near thumb strings from the near side. Index-finger loops drop naturally.

11. Release thumbs.

12. Thumbs pick up near middle-finger strings.


13. Release middle, ring and little fingers softly.

14. Middle, ring and little fingers move into index-finger loops from below, and hold near index-finger strings and far thumb strings.

15. Index fingers hook up near thumb strings from the near side. Index-finger loops drop naturally.

16. Release thumbs.

17. Release middle and ring fingers, and extend the pattern. Adjust the size of the circle and arrange the pattern using thumbs.

 The Moon Between the Mountains

 You may transfer little-finger loops to thumbs.

The final pattern is similar to that of The Morning Sun and Four Mountains.

References: j5, w1, w6
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