A Bird's Nest

1. Hang the loop on the left thumb and both little fingers without a twist.

2. The right thumb and index-finger touch together. Put them behind the left palm string from above.
  During pulling the string to the right, separate the right thumb and index-finger and rotate them back to the normal position.


3. The left index finger picks up the right far index-finger string.


4. Thumbs move over index-finger loops and pick up near little-finger strings.

5. Middle fingers move over palm strings and index-finger loops, and pick up far thumb strings.

6. Release thumbs and little fingers.

7. Little fingers (and ring fingers) move under middle-finger loops and hook down far index-finger strings.

8. Thumbs pick up near index-finger strings.

 A Bird's Nest

References: j2, j8, e1, w5
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